The DÜV Quality Seal for interpreter and translator excellence
With its new quality seal, awarded exclusively to its members, the DÜV Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association focusses attention even more closely on the quality of its services.
When you turn to the services of a professional who is awarded the DÜV Quality Seal, you can rest assured that the key principles of quality will be observed, and that Switzerland’s economy will be safeguarded. Why?
Because the Quality Seal is awarded to DÜV members who:
- hold a Master’s degree specialising in professional translation or conference interpreting from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) or an equivalent diploma
- undertake to uphold strict professional and ethical regulations
- attend professional development courses every year
- are able to work from Swiss German
- are resident and also pay their taxes in Switzerland
The DÜV Quality Seal is awarded to qualified, professional translators and/or interpreters who are well versed in Switzerland’s unique characteristics (its political system, federalism, the Swiss economy and, last but not least, Swiss German), and who pursue regular professional development.
The DÜV Quality Seal ensures that its holders, with their commitment to life-long learning, pursue regular professional development, and that DÜV members enjoy an open and collegial atmosphere allowing for a valuable exchange of ideas. The DÜV Quality Seal ensures protection of the standards applicable to our linguistic professions. This all provides you, the client, with true added value!
Contact association
Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association (DÜV)
Lindenbachstrasse 7
P.O. Box, 8042 Zurich
Information on the Quality Seal: